The Blind: A Story of Faith, Hope, and Redemption

The Blind A Story of Faith, Hope, and Redemption

The Robertson family, known for their hit reality show Duck Dynasty, is sharing their story in a new movie called The Blind. The film focuses on Phil Robertson’s early struggles with alcohol and how his faith and family helped him turn his life around.

“The story we just felt like it was important, one to show hope and redemption, but also to go back and show you how close it was to none of this happening [if] them two had not stayed together,” Willie Robertson told Fox News Digital. “Dad’s story is rough to tell. But the fact that he came through that, that their marriage survived that, we just thought it was a great story. I think for people hurting and people kind of losing hope, it’s the story that you can say, ‘Hey, man, there is no telling what God can do with your life if you yield to Him.’”

Korie Robertson added, “Had God not come into the life of this family, we would not be sitting here today. And now we’re getting to actually tell the whole backstory of that, of how we came to that moment.”

The Blind does not shy away from the darker parts of Phil’s experiences and honestly showcases his lowest points before he recovers. Willie and Korie described one scene where Willie’s older brothers, Jase and Al, and their uncle, Si, visit Phil in the woods where he was at one point living, and see that he is almost “animalistic” and unrecognizable.

“That was a really powerful moment in the film because you can see these little boys want to see their dad, but he was in such a dark place that he couldn’t even really receive them in that moment,” Korie said.

Phil’s life changed when a pastor, at the urging of Phil’s sister, reached out to him and helped him accept faith into his life.

“He just completely changed once he yielded to the gospel,” Willie said.

Korie also noted that Miss Kay, Phil’s wife now for almost 60 years, was instrumental in supporting him even at his lowest.

“I think when you see the film, you realize how what a hero Kay is in the story,” Korie said. “I mean, she really held this man’s family together. She was a single mom of three boys for a little while when Phil kicked her out of the house. And when the moment came that Phil did turn his life around, she truly forgave him. And so just understanding that grace and forgiveness that she offered that kept their family together and that made everything possible today has impacted our family.”

“Had God not come into the life of this family, we would not be sitting here today.”
— Korie Robertson

The Blind is a story of faith, hope, and redemption. It is a testament to the power of love and forgiveness. The film is also a celebration of the Robertson family and their journey together.

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