New Animated Series ‘My Adventures With Superman’: A Pleasant Diversion

New Animated Series 'My Adventures With Superman' A Pleasant Diversion

The new animated series “My Adventures With Superman” premieres on Adult Swim and Max on July 6 and 7, respectively. The series follows Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen as young twentysomethings coming of age.

Clark and Jimmy start work at the Daily Planet, where they meet Lois. Clark builds his secret identity as Superman and probes into his origins. Lois, a plucky, pixie-cut journalist with a nose for a scoop, rises as a star reporter and often teams up with Jimmy (as her trusty photographer). Sparks fly between Clark and Lois, even as Lois gets close to discovering Clark’s secret alter-ego.

“My Adventures With Superman” is an energetic and youthful version of the story we all know by now. It’s got all the familiar hallmarks, such as a joyful “first flight” sequence and scenes where Clark struggles to hide his powers from the outside world.

The show is lighthearted and peppered with some amusing moments. Every time Clark repeats his mantra to blend in (“I’m a normal man having a normal day!”), he accidentally does something “super” to counter that, such as reflexively saving a cat or ripping the handle off of a door that he’s trying to open. The show’s animated format means there are no distractingly shoddy special effects.

“My Adventures with Superman” feels like a show that doesn’t need to exist. There are plenty of other recent movies and TV shows on the air that feature Superman, so it’s not clear why we need another one.

That said, if you’re not suffering from superhero fatigue, “My Adventures With Superman” is a rendition that’s filled with solid writing and voice performances, a good balance of jokes and action, and none of the grim self-serious tone with which the Cavill era was saddled.

It’s unlikely to knock your socks off, but it’s a pleasant enough diversion.

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